Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Madhura the irrepressible girl

Madhura, the perfect embodiment of our chalta hai attitude-- Blog by Asha Rai in Times of India

 "Indian contingent’s ten second blink & miss cameo at the Olympic opening ceremony, "- That is it. Normally it would have been exactly that. But thanks to Madhura it has attracted many. Why blame her. Her entry into the scene was least expected but it gave a pep to the show. An apart from the fact that the act against the prescribed norms it affected the ceremonial march in no way. She mingled with the scenery very much. It was not a drunk making a scene or a sem-clad cheer leader making convulsions. It was a perfectly dressed young exuberant girl making the drab things lively. As regards her parents sending her to London for studies, so many students go there. Also so many people go to London and elsewhere on tour now a days.


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