Monday, May 21, 2012

Enrica Lexie post to Capt. Tom

Hello Captain, This is just my random thoughts. I am wondering if it had been so that the poor fishermen who were killed were really some Somalian pirates would there have been so much out cry? Will there be any question why the protocol to avoid piracy was not followed? Whether warning shots were fired or water hoses used? In my opinion there would have been no such questions. Probably the two Italian Marines would have been congratulated for two of the outlaws. But unfortunately the calculation  of the Marines went wrong. Even when two pirates are killed it is loss of two lives. Same as that of two fishermen. Do anyone think what made them pirates. As a navy man you will hate. I know. But it is the worst economic condition that has driven these desperadoes to piracy. Let me repeat you will not be able to stomach this view because you are directly affected. Here I sitting in Bangalore can express the opinion as it will not in no way affect me. I hope you get me. So the actual crime the marines have done they made a very serious mistake in thinking the fishermen were pirates. There also let me give some opinion of mine. The general attitude of people of the category of these fishermen the headload workers and such are arrogance. They hate anyone with some money. To them a big ship represents money and their psyche is that to hurt and annoy. Here the owner of the boat when he got a nice compensation ( and most probably with some liquor he must have consumed to celebrate the occasion )has told that the boat was being driven by one of the killed fishermen and he did not have any license to drive it. He also told that the boat was being driven very fast towards the ship. In all probability the driver must have been drunk and thought that he can cross the path of the ship before it reached the point. Such a behaviour can naturally evoke suspicion in the minds of the guards I feel.That must have prompted them to fire. And another thing about the location. The incident occurred at about 4 pm. After that the boat reached Neendakara at about 10 pm. It took 6 hours for the boat to reach the shore. Naturally with two dead bodies in the boat it should have gone at top speed. At say 8 knots speed in 6 hrs it must have traveled some 50 nautical miles.  Even if the spot was not straight perpendicular to Neendakara it should have been some 40 nautical miles from the shore which is out of contiguous zone and in EEZ. And the question is whether EEZ is international zone or the country's zone. These things should be cleared before proceeding with the case. I feel before clearing these issues going ahead with the trial is not proper. This is just my opinion. You may be holding your own. After all everyone will have their opinions on anything. We have a saying in Malayalam. Even if someone beats his own mother there will two opinions. Like that.

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